Impact Hub Zagreb is actively engaged in a wide range of initiatives that trigger, facilitate, and support sustainable innovation and social innovation practices, industries, and projects. In doing so, we foster collaboration with diverse international and national partners to tackle social and environmental challenges and deliver solutions in innovative and daring ways. Explore our current focus areas and discover more about our work!
Sustainable & social innovation

CAPSULE is an Erasmus+ European program, organized in Romania, Hungary, and Croatia by Impact Hub Bucharest, Impact Hub Budapest, Impact Hub Zagreb and Career Shift, aiming to support young women in developing entrepreneurial spirit through the creation of a strong learning community, mentoring sessions, coaching, and entrepreneurial skills development.

In SOCRATES project, we are partnering with the Municipality of Novo mesto & Development center Novo mesto (Slovenia), City of Poznan (Poland), City of Zagreb (Croatia) and Hajdu Bihar region & Impact Hub Budapest (Hungary). SOCRATES stands for Strengthening Social Economy for Innovative and Resilient Regions and is a project that is supporting the first theme and priority of the call SMP-COSME-2021-RESILIENCE-SEM Social Economy Missions for community resilience “Improving business environment and supporting sustainable business models based on social economy” through transnational social economy missions for interregional mutual learning and exchange of good practices on enabling supportive business environment for the social economy.

E-makers is a project within the Erasmus+ program (no. 2021-1-ES02-KA220-YOU-000029188). This project, with the collaboration of the five European partners TDM 2000 INTERNATIONAL from Italy; IMPACT HUB ZAGREB from Croatia; SYGD from Turkey; and CIVES MUNDI from Spain, seeks to enhance social and environmental entrepreneurship activities through digital technologies. Digital transformation provides a parallel growth of socio-environmental and financial value for social enterprises. Therefore, sustainability can be achieved through the involvement of digital technologies.

ZALET customizes the critical support entrepreneurs need to focus and thrive in a safe space, leveraging their community and expert network. ZALET is part of the program of entrepreneurial support from Impact Hub Zagreb called miCRO inNOvation supported by the Norway Grants 2014-2021, in the framework of the Programme Business Development and Innovation Croatia. This is a program of Impact Hub Zagreb, delivered in collaboration with Impact Hub Agder.